AMF's new symbolic series of paintings

" . . . The works of the artist Anna Maria Fusaro presented in the Demasquerade exhibition subtly address the question of deprivation and the search for freedom. Whether physical or mental, man is a being in constant search of independence. Like the past period, during which the world continued to exert its power over itself, we have reached the end of an era, feeling the need to exist truly, autonomously within society and facing others."

– Manon Linquette, assistant curator, Strasbourg

Coming soon . . . Exhibition in Basel, Switzerland

Wrocław ........................

Wrocław ........................

Munich ........................

Werdenberg ........................

Basel ........................

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Impressions from the exhibition at the L33 Gallery in Werdenberg, Switzerland

Impressions from the exhibition in Munich, Galerie der Kunsgießerei, Munich, Germany

Medium Priska Zangger about the exhibition:

The time has come to take of the masks and reveal what was hidden until now.